Saturday, 29 November 2014

Progress Update III

The sustained good weather in Sydney has meant that the builders have been able to be on site and stay on site. Yay!! Happy dance!!

So after the slab went down the frame went up

The roof tiles went on

And currently the bricks are going on

We are not 100% convinced we made the right decision in regards to the bricks but they do look better the more that go on. If worst comes to worst and we are not happy once everything is finished we can always render the entire thing.

Now we just need to sort out the earthworks in the rear yard while we still have access. Keeping my fingers crossed  that the neighbors on that side are holding off for some reason so we don't have to rush things over the holiday season.

AA xx

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Inspire & Desire

Funny I never noticed how similar those words are, want and motivation,  intrinsic, basic, it shouldn't surprise me they are so close.
But enough of my rambling,  I wanted to share with you a few of the things that are making me smile as I travel the wide world of the web.

First up, Citizens of the Word; part candle store, part interior inspiration, part travel wish list. I can vouch for the candles, we are currently burning "Native Gardenia" and I love it, will need to stock up soon before this very limited production run is sold out, I think I will also pick up some "Dweller" for winter.

Next up, more interior inspiration, by way of …focus..damn it! ; a beautiful mix of Victorian, Luxe, and Bohemian, Exotic all wrapped up in faded grandure.

The final piece of inspiration, who's haunting edits make me smile, make me think or move me to feel that I look forward to when they pop up sporadically on my instgram feed is dinglemousebarlo

We are stardust
We are golden And we've got to get ourselves 
Back to the garden…..

Thanks for stopping by lovelies, till next time


Saturday, 15 November 2014

Window Shopping; Pottery Barn

My adventure in US centric home-wares which started with West Elm continues with its stable mate Pottery Barn,  which is a little more traditional and currently featuring marine/ coastal touches.

For the Pottery Barn Site, just follow the link.

So which are you? West Elm, Pottery Barn, neither?

AA xx

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Window Shopping; West Elm

The expansion of international brands into Australia continues in the realm of home-wares as well as clothing so I got to spend a few fun hours exploring West Elm,  a great mix of Gypset and mid century modern, I even remembered to take a few photos to share with you.

I am seriously in love with the Moroccan wedding blanket ottoman, and the terrariums, I am also seriously considering a round coffee table when we splash out on a new one, if only I had promised I would not buy anything else until we move.

If you want more details check out the West Elm Website, (including delivery details)

AA xx

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Sculptures by the Sea

With a move away from the "real"* Sydney pending, we have been trying to take advantage of the most of it as we can, so this weekend it meant the beautiful bay walk from Tama to Bondi that makes up Sculpture by the Sea, I have made this pilgrimage  almost every year I have lived in Sydney, both this time and previously and every year I look forward to it, a beautiful day walking along one of the best coastlines in the world with the added bonus of interesting art to discover and a multitude of people  to observe, life doesn't get much better.

I loved how the exhibition began and ended with a multicoloured banner attached to the railing at Bondi and Tama. But I didn't love all the people, potentially it would be better if it ran for any extra couple of weeks so the crowds were not as intense, so we did have to finish up with a very relaxing vino and a couple of beers in Bondi before heading home.

AA xx

*the term real being completely subjective for me it is the city, inner and eastern suburbs, other may have their own definition, don't shoot me because I have been spoilt